
All items are processed and shipped from our warehouse in Thailand. We provide worldwide shipping, except to countries with import restrictions.

International Standard Shipping

- Our international standard shipping fee for all orders worldwide is only $7 USD per order via Thailand Post as Registered Airmail, with an estimated delivery time of 10-14 days

- Enjoy FREE Standard Shipping!

Order 3 or more items, and we’ll treat you to FREE standard shipping worldwide!

All packages sent from us can be tracked throughout the entire journey. A tracking number and link will be provided every time.

Please note that this timeframe is subject to customs clearance and the efficiency of the destination courier company.

International Express Shipping

- For express shipping, the estimated delivery time is 2-4 days via DHL Express or UPS, with a shipping fee of $40 USD per order.

These orders will be shipped out before any other orders, and at the latest, will be dispatched the following day.

Customers are encouraged to directly contact My Thai Pants to assess the shipping costs for each destination country.

Please reach out to us at

Duties and taxes

Unfortunately, certain countries may impose additional import duties or fees beyond our control.

While we typically include all necessary documents with your shipment to avoid these extra costs, there are occasional situations where they are unavoidable. In such cases, the buyer is responsible for any additional fees incurred during the import process.

However, most countries have duty-free thresholds for shipments. For instance, this threshold is 150 EUR across the EU and even 800 USD in the USA.

Therefore, we recommend checking with your local post office or customs authority in advance to find out the duty-free thresholds in your country.

We sincerely apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. 🌟📦

Thank you for choosing MyThaiPants! 🌟